Graduate School, University, and Technical School Acceptance Rates (2011)

The results for last year’s entrance exams for institutes of higher education have been posted. As in 2010, many of our graduates continued on to famous private and public universities and graduate schools in the metropolitan area.

Students were accepted to the following schools:

Graduate school
・The University of Tokyo
・Tokyo Gaugei University
・Tokyo University of Technology
・Tsukuba University
・Keio University
・Gakushuin University
・Waseda University
and many others

・Tokyo University
・Tokyo University of Technology
・Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
・Saitama University
・Sophia University
・Meiji University
・Hosei University
・Ritsumeikan Unievrsity
・Waseda university
and many others

An overview of entrance exam results is posted on this page.