Teacher Training Course

Become a Japanese teacher with the Ezoe Method

Teacher Training Course

Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute only offers this teacher training class during the winter term. As the highest-level class the Japanese language school offers, SNG requires students starting with this course to have a Japanese ability equivalent to JLPT N1. The first half of each lesson is a lecture-style instruction in which students will learn Japanese theories of teaching vocabulary, syllabi, language structure, and pronunciation. The second half of the lesson is drill practice, where students study the Ezoe Method of teaching, fully immersed in Japanese. At the end of the term, students will create and teach lesson plans of their own design.


  • Gain the required skills for teaching the Japanese language.

  • Deepen understanding of the Japanese language

  • Through practice, learn to be a fully capable Japanese teacher in Japan.

Day and Time
Winter term, 13:30 〜 17:00 (3 months)
Shinjitsuyou Nihongo I
Grammar cards
Other material
Field Trip
Once (ex. Kabuki, Sumo, Museum, etc around Tokyo and other cities)

Optional Classes

Kanji Courses

Designed particularly for those unfamiliar with kanji. We offer two classes: Kanji Basics and Practical Kanji.

Course details

JLPT Preparatory Courses

Master vocabulary, grammar and kanji required for passing the JLPT. Test-taking strategies and other helpful tips to improve your overall score.

Course details

EJU Preparation Course

Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute takes care of international students wishing to enter a Japanese university or other higher education institution by offering EJU preparation classes.

Course details

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