The incoming student orientation day in Okutama, Japan !

On November 3rd, SNG organized its traditional BBG and hiking day in Okutama. Around 100 of our students enjoyed the warm and sunny day.

Hiking, sunbathing and BBQ

84 of our students in Japanese Language went to our Okutama’s event. Quite a big day for our school and many professors along with staff members came to help and make sure everything went smoothly and everyone had fun experimenting Japanese countryside.

After a 3 km hike surrounded by Okutama’s breathtaking landscapes, everyone enjoyed a barbecue with meat, rice and various salads. Everything was already prepared once they arrived to the camp. After eating, our students enjoyed diverse activities, games or just relaxed. More than a long weekend, it really felt like holiday at SNG’s residence in Okutama.
live in japan, study japanese language with SNG

Exchange with Japanese university students

One of the features of this event was the participation of a dozen of Japanese university students. SNG students were able to interact with young Japanese around their age and to make friends. Most of the students were from international or linguistic departments which allowed even our beginner students to exchange with them.

You want to learn Japanese or improve your current level, you are a beginner and you want to learn Japanese in total immersion? We are here to help you and answer all of your questions. Contact us.

Watch our video: Orientation day in Okutama, on our youtube channel