How to fill in Japanese government’s ¥100,000 relief fund application form?

On April 17, the Japanese government made the decision to set up a relief fund in order to support residents financially impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. This measure allows each resident, Japanese and foreign, to claim a ¥100,000 cash emergency relief handout. If you would like more details about the criteria of eligibility to obtain the ¥100,000 relief fund from the Japanese government, you can check our previous article about them.

I have not received the application form for the ¥100,000 relief fund yet

If you still have not received anything, no worries! Each local district has set up its own schedule when it comes to the issuance of the form. It is likely that less populated districts will issue the forms before more populated ones, as they have less data to manage than others.

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How to fill in the ¥100,000 application form?

If you have already received the application form for the ¥100,000 relief fund, you must have realized that this one is entirely in Japanese. You might be in the case where you do not speak enough Japanese yet (let us recommend a great Japanese language school in Tokyo, its evening classes, Saturday classes and online classes). Don’t worry, we are here to guide you.

Fill in the ¥100,000 application document step-by-step

First of all, note there is not only one kind of application forms, so the one you will receive might look different than the one we are presenting here, depending on where you live. However, the information required and the way they are presented should be almost the same in most cases.

How to fill in Japanese government's ¥100,000 relief fund application form?

  1. In this section, you will need to write the date (with the Japanese calendar system) in this order: 年 = year, 月 = month, 日 = day. It is currently the second year of the Reiwa era.
  2. Write the name of your district here.
  3. Your name. Theoretically, your name should already be printed on the form.
  4. In this section, write your name in romaji or stamp your inkan if you have one: 印
  5. Your address should also be prefilled.
  6. Your birthdate
  7. This table should be prefilled as well. This section contains the names of all the people you are applying for, their relationship with the head of the household and their birth dates. The head of the household is first on the list (世帯主), the spouse (妻/夫), and the children (子). If the information are incorrect, cross them in red and fill in the table with the correct ones.
  8. In this table, check the boxes in the only in the case where you do not wish to get the ¥100,000.
  9. As mentioned in one of our previous articles, the government wants the payments to be done via bank transfers, in order to avoid further spreading of the COVID-19. If you want the payment to be sent via bank transfer, check box (A).

If you want the payment to be sent on a bank account you are already using to pay for taxes or utilities, check the box under (A). If you check this box, you will need to specify what you are using this account for: to pay for water supply (水道料引落口座), your municipal tax (住民税などの引落口座), your childcare compensation (育児手当等の受給口座).

Even if you decide to use a bank account already registered at your local city office, you will still need to provide some bank details.

If you are using a bank account

How to fill in Japanese government's ¥100,000 relief fund application form?

  1. Write the name of your bank and circle 1.銀行 if you are in a traditional bank.
  2. In the following section, you will need to write the name of your bank’s branch you opened your account at and the code for this branch (支店コード).
  3. In this part (分類), circle your bank account type, whether it is an ordinary deposit account (普通), or a checking account (当座).
  4. In the section 口座番号, write your bank account number.
  5. This last section should be filled with the last name and first name of the bank account holder. Write it in furigana on the upper line and in the character system you used when opening your account on the lower line.

If you are using a Japan Post Bank account

How to fill in Japanese government's ¥100,000 relief fund application form?

  1. Write your JP Bank code. The space between the two blocks represents the blank space in your code. Your JP Bank code should be made of a combination of 5-6 digits on the left (通帳記号) and 6-8 digits on the right(通帳番号). If your code is made of 6 digits on the left (通帳番号), use the box with an asterisk inside. If it is made of less than 6 digits, leave that box blank.
  2. This section is for the bank account holder’s name. Write it in furigana and the same way you wrote it when opening the account.
  3. The box (B) needs to be ticked if you want the payment to be made in cash. You will then need to go to your local city office’s counter designated for this purpose with this form.

Documents that need to be sent with the ¥100,000 application form

The second part of the document requires you to submit supporting documents along with the application. In some cases, it might be specified at the back of the first sheet or on a separate sheet.

How to fill in Japanese government's ¥100,000 relief fund application form?

  1. Appointing a third party
  2. Fill in this section if you would like a third party to apply for you/in your name (申請・請求), receive the payment (支給) or both (申請・請求及び支給).

    1. Write the name of the proxy
    2. Their relationship with you
    3. Their birth date
    4. Their address and phone number
  3. Identity proof. In order to prove your identity, you will be required to add a copy of one of the following documents: a driving license, My Number card, a health insurance card, passport, a pension book. Foreigners can also submit a copy of their zairyu card
  4. Bank details: Print and paste a copy of your bank book or your cashcard. If you checked the box asking for the transfer to be made on an account you are already using for taxes and utilities (9-A), you do not need to join these documents.
  5. At the bottom of the last page, you will find a checklist.
    Have you filled in all the sections that need to be on the document? Are the bank details accurate? Are the required supporting documents included?